7 Survival Tips for Holiday Stress
The holidays are all about togetherness, family, and celebrating love…in theory. In reality, the obligatory family-time saturating the...

A Short Love Letter for Father’s Day
Photo: Dad and me, April 1974 A girl’s father is the yardstick by which she’ll measure all the other men in her life. Without my...

Minors Who Molest: It's Still Serious
In light of the recent Duggar family story, I thought this was an appropriate story to share from fellow author, Krista Wagner. When an...

The Duggars Are Not Alone
There has been a lot of criticism of TLC’s famed Duggar family in recent days. But I’d like to replace the public shaming of the family...

It's All in Your Head
May is Mental Health Month When someone has a physical illness, we offer sympathy and gestures of goodwill. But when someone suffers...

Tell Your Survivor Story
The word “victim” is a heavy label that follows a person—shaping an internal narrative about psychologically damaging events. “Survivor”...

Lifting the Gag Order: Speak Out About Sexual Assault
“Anyone who has been the target of sexual or physical predation will know that, too often, the victim's voice is the first casualty of...

Speaking Out: It's Never too Late
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and this year the relevance is especially poignant. High profile celebrities stand among the...